Saturday, January 26, 2008

Russia: Security Forces Violently Disperse Protest In Ingushetia

RFE/RL's Russian Service reported that the violence began after about 1,000 demonstrators tried to gather in a central square in Ingushetia's capital, Nazran, but heavily armed riot police blocked streets leading to the square.

Protesters then began throwing rocks and incendiary devices at the police, who fired shots into the air before moving into the crowd. Police and paramilitary forces then chased protesters through the center of Nazran.

RFE/RL's Danila Galperovich, who was on the scene, said that "local police special forces were attacked by demonstrators with stones and Molotov cocktails. Special forces responded with heavy force, using tear gas and hand guns."

Later, he and other journalists with independent media, as well human rights activists, were detained by police. The others detained included "Novaya gazeta" correspondent Olga Bobrova, Ekho Moskvy radio correspondents Vladimir Varfolomeyev and Roman Plusov, and two activists from the Russian human rights
group Memorial, Yekaterina Sokiriaskaya and Timur Akiyev.

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People in Russia are not happy with the way things are being run. As a result of this unhappiness they are beginning to take a stand. From this article we see how Russia quickly and forcefully strike down any form of rebellion. Could another revolution be on the horizon?

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